Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Maestri T; Maestri Tiziano; Maestri T.; Tiziano Maestri; T. Maestri
Demonstration of a physical inversion scheme for all-sky, day-night IASI observations and application to the analysis of the onset of the Antarctica ozone hole: Assessment of retrievals and consistency of forward modeling
2024 Serio, Carmine; Masiello, Guido; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Cersosimo, Angela; Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Masin, Fabrizio; Proietti Pelliccia, Giorgia; Venafra, Sara; Camy-Peyret, Claude
Developments of the σ-IASI/F2N radiative transfer model: a new linear-in-T approach for accurate treatment of clouds
2024 Masiello, Guido; Serio, Carmine; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Pasquariello, Pamela; Giosa, Rocco; Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Masin, Fabrizio; Cassini, Lorenzo; Donat, Federico; Proietti Pelliccia, Giorgia; Venafra, Sara; Sgheri, Luca; De Cosmo, Francesco
Fast radiative transfer in multiple scattering atmospheres at far and mid infrared wavelengths
2024 Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Cossich, William; Serio, Carmine; Masiello, Guido; Venafra, Sara
Nitric acid retrieval in the Antarctic atmosphere with all-sky IASI spectra and comparison with AURA-MLS observations
2024 Masiello, Guido; Serio, Carmine; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Pasquariello, Pamela; Donat, Federico; Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Giosa, Rocco; Cassini, Lorenzo
The cloud identification and classification (CIC) algorithm for high spectral resolution observations in the far- and mid-infrared part of the spectrum
2024 Donat, Federico; Fabbri, Elisa; Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Masin, Fabrizio; Proietti Pelliccia, Giorgia; Cassini, Lorenzo; Masiello, Guido; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Serio, Carmine
The new σ-IASI code for all sky radiative transfer calculations in the spectral range 10 to 2760 cm-1: σ-IASI/F2N
2024 Masiello G.; Serio C.; Maestri T.; Martinazzo M.; Masin F.; Liuzzi G.; Venafra S.
High latitude L-band amplitude scintillation from February 2023 G3 storm
2023 Imam R.; Ghidoni R.; Spogli L.; Alfonsi L.; Maestri T.; Cesaroni C.
Simultaneous retrieval from the full IASI spectrum of cloud and atmospheric parameters using the new all-sky forward model sigma-IASI/F2N: the first day-night infrared retrieval of the Antarctica ozone hole
2023 Serio, Carmine; Masiello, Guido; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Mastro, Pietro; Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Masin, Fabrizio; Venafra, Sara
The MAMA Algorithm for Fast Computations of Upwelling Far- and Mid-Infrared Radiances in the Presence of Clouds
2023 Martinazzo, Michele; Maestri, Tiziano
Consistency test of precipitating ice cloud retrieval properties obtained from the observations of different instruments operating at Dome C (Antarctica)
2022 Di Natale, Gianluca; Turner, David D.; Bianchini, Giovanni; Del Guasta, Massimo; Palchetti, Luca; Bracci, Alessandro; Baldini, Luca; Maestri, Tiziano; Cossich, William; Martinazzo, Michele; Facheris, Luca
Emissivity retrievals with FORUM's end-to-end simulator: challenges and recommendations
2022 Ben-Yami, M; Oetjen, H; Brindley, H; Cossich, W; Lajas, D; Maestri, T; Magurno, D; Raspollini, P; Sgheri, L; Warwick, L
The FORUM end-to-end simulator project: architecture and results
2022 Sgheri, L; Belotti, C; Ben-Yami, M; Bianchini, G; Dominguez, BC; Cortesi, U; Cossich, W; Del Bianco, S; Di Natale, G; Guardabrazo, T; Lajas, D; Maestri, T; Magurno, D; Oetjen, H; Raspollini, P; Sgattoni, C
2022 Masiello, Guido; Serio, Carmine; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Venafra, Sara; Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Amato, Umberto;
Assessment of the accuracy of scaling methods for radiance simulations at far and mid infrared wavelengths
2021 Martinazzo, Michele; Magurno, Davide; Cossich, William; Serio, Carmine; Masiello, Guido; Maestri, Tiziano
Ice and mixed-phase cloud statistics on the Antarctic Plateau
2021 Cossich Marcial De Farias W.; Maestri T.; Magurno D.; Martinazzo M.; Di Natale G.; Palchetti L.; Bianchini G.; Del Guasta M.
Characterization of the Far Infrared Properties and Radiative Forcing of Antarctic Ice and Water Clouds Exploiting the Spectrometer-LiDAR Synergy
2020 Di Natale, Gianluca; Bianchini, Giovanni; Del Guasta, Massimo; Ridolfi, Marco; Maestri, Tiziano; Cossich, William; Magurno, Davide; Palchetti, Luca
Cirrus cloud identification from airborne far-infrared and mid-infrared spectra
2020 Magurno D.; Cossich W.; Maestri T.; Bantges R.; Brindley H.; Fox S.; Harlow C.; Murray J.; Pickering J.; Warwick L.; Oetjen H.
FORUM: unique far-infrared satellite observations to better understand how Earth radiates energy to space
2020 Palchetti, L.; Brindley, H.; Bantges, R.; Buehler, S. A.; Camy-Peyret, C.; Carli, B.; Cortesi, U.; Del Bianco, S.; Di Natale, G.; Dinelli, B. M.; Feldman, D.; Huang, X. L.; C.-Labonnote, L.; Libois, Q.; Maestri, T.; Mlynczak, M. G.; Murray, J. E.; Oetjen, H.; Ridolfi, M.; Riese, M.; Russell, J.; Saunders, R.; Serio, C.
Antarctic ice cloud identification and properties using downwelling spectral radiance from 100 to 1400 cm-1
2019 Maestri, Tiziano; Arosio, Carlo; Rizzi, Rolando; Palchetti, Luca; Bianchini, Giovanni; Del Guasta, Massimo
Cloud identification and classification from high spectral resolution data in the far infrared and mid-infrared
2019 Maestri, Tiziano; Cossich, William; Sbrolli, Iacopo