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Ecology and abundance of a relict population of the bush cricket Saga pedo in the Northern Apennines, Italy Emanuele Repetto; Pietro Milanesi; Livia De Caria; Francesca Della Rocca; 2024-01-01 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ecology ...Saga pedo....pdf
Contrasting Response of Mountain Plant-Pollinator Network to Fragmented Semi-Natural Grasslands Francesca Della Rocca; Arianna Tagliani; Pietro Milanesi; Matteo Barcella; Silvia Paola Assini 2023-01-01 LAND - 1.01 Articolo in rivista land-12-00356-v2.pdf
Local colonisations and extinctions of European birds are poorly explained by changes in climate suitability Howard, Christine; Marjakangas, Emma-Liina; Morán-Ordóñez, Alejandra; Milanesi, Pietro; Abuladze,... Aleksandre; Aghababyan, Karen; Ajder, Vitalie; Arkumarev, Volen; Balmer, Dawn E; Bauer, Hans-Günther; Beale, Colin M; Bino, Taulant; Boyla, Kerem Ali; Burfield, Ian J; Burke, Brian; Caffrey, Brian; Chodkiewicz, Tomasz; Del Moral, Juan Carlos; Mazal, Vlatka Dumbovic; Fernández, Néstor; Fornasari, Lorenzo; Gerlach, Bettina; Godinho, Carlos; Herrando, Sergi; Ieronymidou, Christina; Johnston, Alison; Jovicevic, Mihailo; Kalyakin, Mikhail; Keller, Verena; Knaus, Peter; Kotrošan, Dražen; Kuzmenko, Tatiana; Leitão, Domingos; Lindström, Åke; Maxhuni, Qenan; Mihelič, Tomaž; Mikuska, Tibor; Molina, Blas; Nagy, Károly; Noble, David; Øien, Ingar Jostein; Paquet, Jean-Yves; Pladevall, Clara; Portolou, Danae; Radišić, Dimitrije; Rajkov, Saša; Rajković, Draženko Z; Raudonikis, Liutauras; Sattler, Thomas; Saveljić, Darko; Shimmings, Paul; Sjenicic, Jovica; Šťastný, Karel; Stoychev, Stoycho; Strus, Iurii; Sudfeldt, Christoph; Sultanov, Elchin; Szép, Tibor; Teufelbauer, Norbert; Uzunova, Danka; van Turnhout, Chris A M; Velevski, Metodija; Vikstrøm, Thomas; Vintchevski, Alexandre; Voltzit, Olga; Voříšek, Petr; Wilk, Tomasz; Zurell, Damaris; Brotons, Lluís; Lehikoinen, Aleksi; Willis, Stephen G 2023-01-01 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista s41467-023-39093-1.pdf
Landscape Features, Human Disturbance or Prey Availability? What Shapes the Distribution of Large Carnivores in Europe? Milanesi P.; Puopolo F.; Zellweger F. 2022-01-01 LAND - 1.01 Articolo in rivista land-11-01807-v2.pdf
The New Dominator of the World: Modeling the Global Distribution of the Japanese Beetle under Land Use and Climate Change Scenarios Della Rocca F.; Milanesi P. 2022-01-01 LAND - 1.01 Articolo in rivista land-11-00567 (1).pdf
The Spread of the Japanese Beetle in a European Human-Dominated Landscape: High Anthropization Favors Colonization of Popillia japonica Della Rocca F.; Milanesi P. 2022-01-01 DIVERSITY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista diversity-14-00658-v2.pdf
Effects of natural and seminatural elements on the composition and dispersion of carabid beetles inhabiting an agroecosystem in Northern Italy Della Rocca F.; Venturo A.; Milanesi P.; Bracco F. 2021-01-01 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ecology and Evolution - 2021 - Della Rocca - Effects of natural and seminatural elements on the composition and dispersion.pdf
Combining climate, land use change and dispersal to predict the distribution of endangered species with limited vagility Della Rocca F.; Milanesi P. 2020-01-01 JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Della_Rocca_manuscript_R4.pdf
Comparison of two sampling methods to estimate the abundance of lucanus cervus with application of n-mixture models Della Rocca F.; Milanesi P.; Magna F.; Mola L.; Bezzicheri T.; Deiaco C.; Bracco F. 2020-01-01 FORESTS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista forests-11-01085.pdf
Determinants and constraints of feather growth Jenni L.; Ganz K.; Milanesi P.; Winkler R. 2020-01-01 PLOS ONE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista file.pdf
Integrating dynamic environmental predictors and species occurrences: Toward true dynamic species distribution models Milanesi P.; Della Rocca F.; Robinson R.A. 2020-01-01 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ecology and Evolution - 2019 - Milanesi - Integrating dynamic environmental predictors and species occurrences Toward true.pdf
Observer-oriented approach improves species distribution models from citizen science data Milanesi P.; Mori E.; Menchetti M. 2020-01-01 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Ecology and Evolution - 2020 - Milanesi - Observer‐oriented approach improves species distribution models from citizen.pdf
Far from the madding crowd: Tolerance toward human disturbance shapes distribution and connectivity patterns of closely related Martes spp Balestrieri A.; Mori E.; Menchetti M.; Ruiz-Gonzalez A.; Milanesi P. 2019-01-01 POPULATION ECOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Identifying hotspots for rare species under climate change scenarios: improving saproxylic beetle conservation in Italy Della Rocca F.; Bogliani G.; Breiner F.T.; Milanesi P. 2019-01-01 BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Improving predation risk modelling: Prey-specific models matter Milanesi P.; Puopolo F.; Fabbri E.; Gambini I.; Dotti F.; Sergiacomi U.; Zanni M.L.; Caniglia R. 2019-01-01 HYSTRIX - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Significant Asia-Europe divergence in the middle spotted woodpecker (Aves, Picidae) Kamp L.; Pasinelli G.; Milanesi P.; Drovetski S.V.; Kosinski Z.; Kossenko S.; Robles H.; Schweize...r M. 2019-01-01 ZOOLOGICA SCRIPTA - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
The importance of taxonomy in species distribution models at a global scale: the case of an overlooked alien squirrel facing taxonomic revision Mori E.; Menchetti M.; Zozzoli R.; Milanesi P. 2019-01-01 JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Unravelling the scientific debate on how to address wolf-dog hybridization in Europe Donfrancesco V.; Ciucci P.; Salvatori V.; Benson D.; Andersen L.W.; Bassi E.; Blanco J.C.; Boitan...i L.; Caniglia R.; Canu A.; Capitani C.; Chapron G.; Czarnomska S.D.; Fabbri E.; Galaverni M.; Galov A.; Gimenez O.; Godinho R.; Greco C.; Hindrikson M.; Huber D.; Hulva P.; Jedrzejewski W.; Kusak J.; Linnell J.D.; Llaneza L.; Lopez-Bao J.V.; Mannil P.; Marucco F.; Mattioli L.; Milanesi P.; Milleret C.; Myslajek R.W.; Ordiz A.; Palacios V.; Pedersen H.C.; Pertoldi C.; Pilot M.; Randi E.; Rodriguez A.; Saarma U.; Sand H.; Scandura M.; Stronen A.V.; Tsingarska E.; Mukherjee N. 2019-01-01 FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista fevo-07-00175-1.pdf
Using the first European Breeding Bird Atlas for science and perspectives for the new Atlas Herrando S.; Keller V.; Bauer H.-G.; Brotons L.; Eaton M.; Kalyakin M.; Voltzit O.; Lehikoinen A....; Milanesi P.; Noble D.; Ramirez I.; Vorisek P.; Foppen R. 2019-01-01 BIRD STUDY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Combining Bayesian genetic clustering and ecological niche modeling: Insights into wolf intraspecific genetic structure Milanesi P.; Caniglia R.; Fabbri E.; Puopolo F.; Galaverni M.; Holderegger R. 2018-01-01 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -