Evaluation of DNA Methylation Profiles of LINE-1, Alu and Ribosomal DNA Repeats in Human Cell Lines Exposed to Radiofrequency Radiation
2023 Ravaioli, Francesco; Bacalini, Maria Giulia; Giuliani, Cristina; Pellegrini, Camilla; D'Silva, Chiara; De Fanti, Sara; Pirazzini, Chiara; Giorgi, Gianfranco; Del Re, Brunella
Long INterspersed element-1 mobility as a sensor of environmental stresses
2020 Del Re, B.; Giorgi, G.
Effect of electromagnetic field exposure on the transcription of repetitive DNA elements in human cells
2019 Del Re B.; Bersani F.; Giorgi G.
Long INterspersed nuclear Elements (LINEs) in brain and non-brain tissues of the rat
2018 Giorgi, Gianfranco; Virgili, Marco; Monti, Barbara; Del Re, Brunella*
Assessing the combined effect of extremely low-frequency magnetic field exposure and oxidative stress on LINE-1 promoter methylation in human neural cells
2017 Gianfranco Giorgi ; Chiara Pirazzini ; Maria Giulia Bacalini ; Cristina Giuliani ; Paolo Garagnani ; Miriam Capri ; Ferdinando Bersani ; Del Re Brunella
Effect of Extremely Low-Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Field Exposure on DNA methylation
2016 Giorgi, Gianfranco; Pirazzini, Chiara; Bacalini, Maria Giulia; Giuliani, Cristina; Garagnani, Paolo; Capri, Miriam; Bersani, Ferdinando; Del Re, Brunella
An evaluation of genotoxicity in human neuronal-type cells subjected to oxidative stress under an extremely low frequency pulsed magnetic field.
2014 Giorgi, Gianfranco; Lecciso, Mariangela; Capri, Miriam; Lukas Yani, Stella; Virelli, Angela; Bersani, Ferdinando; Del Re, Brunella.
Effects of ELF magnetic field tuned on “parametric resonance” conditions on single channel K+ currents in a human neural cell line
2014 Zironi, Isabella; Virelli, Angela; Gavoçi, Entelë; Remondini, Daniel; Aicardi, Giorgio; Re, Brunella Del; Giorgi, Gianfranco; Castellani, Gastone; Bersani, Ferdinando
Cell-host, LINE and environment: three players in search of a balance
2013 Del Re B.; Giorgi G.
ELF magnetic fields tuned to ion parametric resonance conditions do not affect TEA-sensitive voltage-dependent outward K+currents in a human neural cell line
2013 Gavoçi E; Zironi I; Remondini D; Virelli A; Castellani G; Del Re B; Giorgi G; Aicardi G; Bersani F
Assessing LINE-1 retrotransposition activity in neuroblastoma cells exposed to extremely low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields.
2012 Del Re B.; Marcantonio P.; Gavoçi E.; Bersani F.; Giorgi G.
Effects of ELF magnetic field tuned on “parametric resonance” conditions on K+ currents in a human neural cell line
2012 Zironi, Isabella; Virelli, Angela; Gavoçi, Entelë; Remondini, Daniel; Aicardi, Giorgio; Re, Brunella Del; Giorgi, Gianfranco; Castellani, Gastone; Bersani, Ferdinando
Magnetic Fields
2012 Brunella Del Re ; Ferdinando Bersani; Gianfranco Giorgi
Effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure on DNA transposition in relation to frequency, wave shape and exposure time.
2011 Giorgi G; Marcantonio P; Bersani F; Gavoçi E; Del Re B.
LINE-1 retrotransposition in human neuroblastoma cells is affected by oxidative stress.
2011 Giorgi G.; Marcantonio P.; Del Re B.
Evaluation of LINE-1 mobility in neuroblastoma cells by in vitro retrotransposition reporter assay: FACS analysis can detect only the tip of the iceberg of the inserted L1 elements.
2010 Del Re B.; Marcantonio P.; Capri M.; Giorgi G.
Synergic effect of retinoic acid and extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure on human neuroblastoma cell line BE(2)C.
2010 Marcantonio P.; Del Re B.; Franceschini A.; Capri M.; Lukas S.; Bersani F.; Giorgi G.
Extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure affects DnaK and GroEL expression in E. coli cells with impaired heat shock response.
2009 Del Re B.; Marcantonio P.; Bersani F.; Giorgi G.
Extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure affects cell differentiation of SK-N-BE neuroblastoma cell line
2008 P. Marcantonio; A. Franceschini; F. Bersani; G. Giorgi; B. Del Re
Heat-shock protein gene expression and proliferation rate in SKNBE neuroblastoma cells exposed to electromagnetic fields
2007 Franceschini A.; Trabanelli S.; Mesirca P.; Bersani F.; Giorgi G.; Del Re B.