AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma involving the genital and inguinal regions
2013 D'Antuono A;Zauli S;Bellavista S;Banzola N;Rech G;Balestri R;Patrizi A
Pruritic papular eruption in HIV: A case successfully treated with NB-UVB
2013 Bellavista, Sara; D'Antuono, Antonietta; Infusino, Salvatore Domenico; Trimarco, Roberto; Patrizi, Annalisa
Utilizzo di tessuto Dermasilk® nella candidiasi vulvo-vaginale recidivante. Un’opzione terapeutica in una patologia di lunga durata = Dermasilk® briefs in recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis. An alternative option in long-lasting disease
2013 D'Antuono A; Bellavista S; Gaspari V; Filippini A; Patrizi A.
Acne keloidalis nuchae on herpes zoster scar in an HIV patient: isotopic response or not?
2012 Bellavista S;D'Antuono A;Gaspari V;Banzola N;Patrizi A
Carbon dioxide laser: first-line therapy in vulvar inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus.
2012 D'Antuono A;Balestri R;Zauli S;Bardazzi F;Bellavista S;Banzola N;Sgubbi P;Patrizi A
Evaluation of incidental thyroid nodules in patients with primary melanoma.
2012 Fanti PA;Dika E;Balestri R;Rech G;Bellavista S;Baldi E;Maibach HI;Patrizi A
Prostitution, sexual behavior and STDs.
2012 Gaspari V;D'Antuono A;Bellavista S;Trimarco R;Patrizi A
Use of Dermasilk briefs in recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis: safety and effectiveness
2012 A. D'Antuono; E. Baldi; S. Bellavista; N. Banzola; S. Zauli; A. Patrizi
Dermasilk briefs in vulvar lichen sclerosus: an adjuvant tool.
2011 D'Antuono A;Bellavista S;Negosanti F;Zauli S;Baldi E;Patrizi A
2010 B.M. Piraccini; S. Bellavista; C. Misciali; A. Tosti; D. de Berker; B. Richert.
Twenty nail onychomadesis: an unusual finding in Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
2010 B.M. Piraccini ; G. Rech; A. Sisti; S. Bellavista
Alopecia areata during treatment with biologic agents.
2006 Tosti A; Pazzaglia M; Starace M; Bellavista S; Vincenzi C; Tonelli G.
Alopecia areata: a long term follow-up study of 191 patients.
2006 Tosti A; Bellavista S; Iorizzo M.
Tendency to underestimate the severity of androgenetic alopecia.
2005 Tosti A; Bellavista S; Longo S; Pazzaglia M.