Full top-quark mass dependence in diphoton production at NNLO in QCD
2024 Becchetti M.; Bonciani R.; Cieri L.; Coro F.; Ripani F.
Two-loop integrals for tt¯+jet production at hadron colliders in the leading colour approximation
2024 Badger S.; Becchetti M.; Giraudo N.; Zoia S.
Two-loop master integrals for a planar topology contributing to p p → tt̄ j
2024 Becchetti M.
Two-loop form factors for diphoton production in quark annihilation channel with heavy quark mass dependence
2023 Becchetti M.; Bonciani R.; Cieri L.; Coro F.; Ripani F.
Two-loop form factors for pseudo-scalar quarkonium production and decay
2023 Abreu, S.; Becchetti, M.; Duhr, C.; Ozcelik, M. A.
Two-loop master integrals for a planar topology contributing to pp → tt¯ j
2023 Badger S.; Becchetti M.; Chaubey E.; Marzucca R.
One-loop QCD helicity amplitudes for pp → tt¯ j to O(ε 2)
2022 Badger S.; Becchetti M.; Chaubey E.; Marzucca R.; Sarandrea F.
Operator mixing in massless QCD-like theories and Poincarè–Dulac theorem
2022 Becchetti M.; Bochicchio M.
Two-loop amplitude for mixed QCD-EW corrections to gg → Hg
2022 Becchetti M.; Moriello F.; Schweitzer A.
Two-loop master integrals for pseudo-scalar quarkonium and leptonium production and decay
2022 Abreu S.; Becchetti M.; Duhr C.; Ozcelik M.A.
Next-to-leading order corrections to light-quark mixed QCD-EW contributions to Higgs boson production
2021 Becchetti, M.; Bonciani, R.; Del Duca, V.; Hirschi, V.; Moriello, F.; Schweitzer, A.
Three-loop contributions to the ρ parameter and iterated integrals of modular forms
2020 Abreu S.; Becchetti M.; Duhr C.; Marzucca R.
Master Integrals for the two-loop, non-planar QCD corrections to top-quark pair production in the quark-annihilation channel
2019 Becchetti M.; Bonciani R.; Casconi V.; Ferroglia A.; Lavacca S.; von Manteuffel A.
OPE and a low-energy theorem in QCD-like theories
2019 Becchetti M.; Bochicchio M.
Planar master integrals for the two-loop light-fermion electroweak corrections to Higgs plus jet production
2019 Casconi V.; Becchetti M.; Bonciani R.; Del Duca V.; Moriello F.
Two-loop non-planar master integrals for top-pair production in the quark-annihilation channel
2019 Becchetti M.; Bonciani R.; Casconi V.; Ferroglia A.; Lavacca S.; von Manteuffel A.
Planar master integrals for the two-loop light-fermion electroweak corrections to Higgs plus jet production
2018 Becchetti M.; Bonciani R.; Casconi V.; Del Duca V.; Moriello F.
Two-loop master integrals for the planar QCD massive corrections to di-photon and di-jet hadro-production
2018 Becchetti M.; Bonciani R.