Unveiling the impact of carbon sources on phosphorus release from sediment: Investigation of microbial interactions and metabolic pathways for anaerobic phosphorus recovery
In corso di stampa Fengyi Zhu, Elena Radaelli, Giorgia Palladino, Chen Chen, Andressa Mazur, Frederico Marques Penha, Maria Cuartero, Silvia Turroni, Zeynep Cetecioglu
Impact of anthropogenic pathobiome on the gut microbiome of Mediterranean whales
2024 Elena Radaelli, Giorgia Palladino, Enrico Nanetti, Daniel Scicchitano, Nicolò Cinti, Silvia Turroni, Simone Rampelli, Marco Candela, Marianna Marangi
Meta-analysis of the Cetacea gut microbiome: Diversity, co-evolution, and interaction with the anthropogenic pathobiome
2024 Radaelli, E., Palladino, G., Nanetti, E., Scicchitano, D., Rampelli, S., Airoldi, S., Candela, M., Marangi, M.
Meta-analysis of the Cetacea gut microbiome: Diversity, co-evolution, and interaction with the anthropogenic pathobiome
2024 Radaelli, E.; Palladino, G.; Nanetti, E.; Scicchitano, D.; Rampelli, S.; Airoldi, S.; Candela, M.; Marangi, M.
Signature of the anthropogenic impacts on the epipelagic microbiome of the North-Western Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)
2024 Trapella, G., Scicchitano, D., Foresto, L., Dell'acqua, A. N., Radaelli, E., Turroni S.,, Rampelli, S., Corinaldesi, C., Palladino, G., Candela, M.