Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
The anticipatory effect of goal-directed action planning with a lower limb on peri-personal space
2025 Gherri, Elena; Garofalo, Gioacchino; O’Dowd, Alan; Cudia, Aurora
A perspective review on the role of engine sound in speed perception and control: state of the art and methodological suggestions
2024 Prpic, V.; Gherri, E.; Lugli, L.
Visuo-spatial working memory abilities modulate mental rotation: Evidence from event-related potentials
2024 Zhao, B.; Della Sala, S.; Gherri, E.
On the spread of spatial attention in touch: Evidence from Event-Related Brain potentials
2023 Elena Gherri, Felicity White, Edmond Venables
Searching for a tactile target: the impact of set-size on the N140cc
2023 Gherri E.; Fiorino F.R.; Iani C.; Rubichi S.
Syntax matters in shaping sensorimotor activation driven by nouns
2023 Garofalo, Gioacchino; Gherri, Elena; Riggio, Lucia
The time course of planar and non-planar rotations in a letter rotation task
2023 Zhao Binlin; Della Sala Sergio; Gherri Elena
Empathy as a predictor of peripersonal space: Evidence from the crossmodal congruency task
2022 Elena Gherri, Marios Theocharopoulos, Niall Browne, Nazire Duran & Elizabeth J. Austin
2022 Gherri, Elena; Xu, Aolong; Ambron, Elisabetta; Sedda, Anna
Searching on the back: attentional selectivity in the periphery of the tactile field
2022 Elena Gherri, Felicity White, Elisabetta Ambron
Sequential modulation of the Cross-modal Congruency effect: the role of target and distractor sensory modality
2022 Mas Casadesus Anna; Gherri Elena
Spatial Transformation in Mental Rotation Tasks in Aphantasia
2022 Binglei Zhao, Sergio Della Sala, Adam Zeman, Elena Gherri
Spatially mediated interactions between singletons in tactile search
2022 gherri elena; ambron elisabetta
The representation of peripersonal space around upper and lower limbs
2022 Xi Aolong, Sedda Anna, Gherri Elena
Behavioural and Electrophysiological evidence for the effect of target-distractor separation in a tactile search task
2021 Elena Gherri, Binglei Zhao, Elisabetta Ambron
Age effects in mental rotation are due to the use of a different strategy
2020 Zhao B; Gherri E; Della Sala S
Electrophysiological correlates of attentional selection in tactile search tasks: The impact of singleton distractors on target selection
2020 Mena CI; Lang K; Gherri E
Age-associated delay in mental rotation
2019 Zhao B; Della Sala S; Gherri E
External coding and salience in the tactile Simon effect
2019 Medina J; Theodoropoulos N; Liu Y; G.Reyes P G; Gherri E
Tool use modulates early stages of visuo-tactile integration in far space: Evidence from event-related potentials
2019 Forsberg A; O'Dowd A; Gherri E