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Dissecting the genetic basis of resistance to Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) in durum wheat by bi-parental mapping and GWAS Bruschi M.; Bozzoli M.; Ratti C.; Sciara G.; Goudemand E.; Devaux P.; Ormanbekova D.; Forestan C....; Corneti S.; Stefanelli S.; Castelletti S.; Fusari E.; Novi J.B.; Frascaroli E.; Salvi S.; Perovic D.; Gadaleta A.; Rubies-Autonell C.; Sanguineti M.C.; Tuberosa R.; Maccaferri M. 2024-01-01 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista s00122-024-04709-7.pdf122_2024_4709_MOESM1_ESM.docx122_2024_4709_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx122_2024_4709_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx122_2024_4709_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx122_2024_4709_MOESM5_ESM.xlsx122_2024_4709_MOESM6_ESM.xlsx
Metabolic and Molecular Rearrangements of Sauvignon Blanc (Vitis vinifera L.) Berries in Response to Foliar Applications of Specific Dry Yeast Rodrigues, Marta; Forestan, Cristian; Ravazzolo, Laura; Hugueney, Philippe; Baltenweck, Raymonde;... Rasori, Angela; Cardillo, Valerio; Carraro, Pietro; Malagoli, Mario; Brizzolara, Stefano; Quaggiotti, Silvia; Porro, Duilio; Meggio, Franco; Bonghi, Claudio; Battista, Fabrizio; Ruperti, Benedetto 2023-01-01 PLANTS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista plants-12-03423.pdf
An efficient chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) protocol for studying histone modifications in peach reproductive tissues Canton M.; Farinati S.; Forestan C.; Joseph J.; Bonghi C.; Varotto S. 2022-01-01 PLANT METHODS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista s13007-022-00876-0.pdf
Cloning the barley nec3 disease lesion mimic mutant using complementation by sequencing Rosignoli, Serena; Cosenza, Francesco; Moscou, Matthew J; Civolani, Laura; Musiani, Francesco; Fo...restan, Cristian; Milner, Sara Giulia; Savojardo, Castrense; Tuberosa, Roberto; Salvi, Silvio 2022-01-01 THE PLANT GENOME - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 78_2022_Rosignoli_PlantGenome.pdf
Evidence of chromatin and transcriptional dynamics for cold development in peach flower bud Canton, Monica; Forestan, Cristian; Marconi, Gianpiero; Carrera, Esther; Bonghi, Claudio; Varotto..., Serena 2022-01-01 NEW PHYTOLOGIST - 1.01 Articolo in rivista New Phytologist - 2022 - Canton - Evidence of chromatin and transcriptional dynamics for cold development in peach flower.pdf
Genome Wide Association Study Uncovers the QTLome for Osmotic Adjustment and Related Drought Adaptive Traits in Durum Wheat Condorelli, Giuseppe Emanuele; Newcomb, Maria; Groli, Eder Licieri; Maccaferri, Marco; Forestan, ...Cristian; Babaeian, Ebrahim; Tuller, Markus; White, Jeffrey Westcott; Ward, Rick; Mockler, Todd; Shakoor, Nadia; Tuberosa, Roberto 2022-01-01 GENES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista genes-13-00293-v3-1.pdf
Root angle is controlled by EGT1 in cereal crops employing an antigravitropic mechanism Fusi, Riccardo; Rosignoli, Serena; Lou, Haoyu; Sangiorgi, Giuseppe; Bovina, Riccardo; Pattem, Jac...ob K; Borkar, Aditi N; Lombardi, Marco; Forestan, Cristian; Milner, Sara G; Davis, Jayne L; Lale, Aneesh; Kirschner, Gwendolyn K; Swarup, Ranjan; Tassinari, Alberto; Pandey, Bipin K; York, Larry M; Atkinson, Brian S; Sturrock, Craig J; Mooney, Sacha J; Hochholdinger, Frank; Tucker, Matthew R; Himmelbach, Axel; Stein, Nils; Mascher, Martin; Nagel, Kerstin A; De Gara, Laura; Simmonds, James; Uauy, Cristobal; Tuberosa, Roberto; Lynch, Jonathan P; Yakubov, Gleb E; Bennett, Malcolm J; Bhosale, Rahul; Salvi, Silvio 2022-01-01 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - 1.01 Articolo in rivista pnas.202201350.pdf
ENHANCED GRAVITROPISM 2 encodes a STERILE ALPHA MOTIF-containing protein that controls root growth angle in barley and wheat Kirschner G.K.; Rosignoli S.; Guo L.; Vardanega I.; Imani J.; Altmuller J.; Milner S.G.; Balzano ...R.; Nagel K.A.; Pflugfelder D.; Forestan C.; Bovina R.; Koller R.; Stocker T.G.; Mascher M.; Simmonds J.; Uauy C.; Schoof H.; Tuberosa R.; Salvi S.; Hochholdinger F. 2021-01-01 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - 1.01 Articolo in rivista PNAS_published.pdf
Epigenetic mechanisms controlling peach bud dormancy and its release: preliminary results Canton M.; Forestan C.; Farinati S.; Bonghi C.; Varotto S. 2021-01-01 ACTA HORTICULTURAE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Meta-analysis of RNA-Seq studies reveals genes with dominant functions during flower bud endo- to eco-dormancy transition in Prunus species Canton M.; Forestan C.; Bonghi C.; Varotto S. 2021-01-01 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 38-Metaanalisi.pdf
Nitrate regulates maize root transcriptome through nitric oxide dependent and independent mechanisms Ravazzolo L.; Trevisan S.; Iori S.; Forestan C.; Malagoli M.; Quaggiotti S. 2021-01-01 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista ijms-22-09527.pdf
Regulation of fruit growth in a peach slow ripening phenotype Farinati S.; Forestan C.; Canton M.; Galla G.; Bonghi C.; Varotto S. 2021-01-01 GENES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista genes-12-00482(1).pdf
Strigolactones And Auxin Cooperate To Regulate Maize Root Development and Response to Nitrate Ravazzolo, Laura; Boutet-Mercey, Stéphanie; Perreau, François; Forestan, Cristian; Varotto, Seren...a; Ruperti, Benedetto; Quaggiotti, Silvia 2021-01-01 PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Preprint AM Strigolattoni.pdf
Transcriptomic insights on the preventive action of apple (Cv granny smith) skin wounding on superficial scald development Cainelli N.; Forestan C.; Angeli D.; Villegas T.R.; Costa F.; Botton A.; Rasori A.; Bonghi C.; Ru...perti B. 2021-01-01 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista ijms-22-13425.pdf
Wheat root systems as a breeding target for climate resilience Ober E.S.; Alahmad S.; Cockram J.; Forestan C.; Hickey L.T.; Kant J.; Maccaferri M.; Marr E.; Mil...ner M.; Pinto F.; Rambla C.; Reynolds M.; Salvi S.; Sciara G.; Snowdon R.J.; Thomelin P.; Tuberosa R.; Uauy C.; Voss-Fels K.P.; Wallington E.; Watt M. 2021-01-01 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista OK_36-WheatRootSystemsAsABreedingTar.pdf
Brassinosteroid application affects the growth and gravitropic response of maize by regulating gene expression in the roots, shoots and leaves Trevisan S.; Forestan C.; Brojanigo S.; Quaggiotti S.; Varotto S. 2020-01-01 PLANT GROWTH REGULATION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Epigenetic signatures of stress adaptation and flowering regulation in response to extended drought and recovery in Zea mays Forestan, C.; Farinati, S.; Zambelli, F.; Pavesi, G.; Rossi, V.; Varotto, S. 2020-01-01 PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Forestan_et_al-2019PostPrint.pdf
Nitrate and ammonium affect the overall maize response to nitrogen availability by triggering specific and common transcriptional signatures in roots Ravazzolo L.; Trevisan S.; Forestan C.; Varotto S.; Sut S.; Dall'acqua S.; Malagoli M.; Quaggiott...i S. 2020-01-01 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 31-Nitrate_Rav_2020-Int. J. Mol. Sci..pdf
Control of maize vegetative and reproductive development, fertility, and rRNAs silencing by histone deacetylase 108 Forestan C.; Farinati S.; Rouster J.; Lassagne H.; Lauria M.; Dal Ferro N.; Varotto S. 2018-01-01 GENETICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
De novo identification of sRNA loci and non-coding RNAs by high-throughput sequencing Lunardon A.; Forestan C.; Farinati S.; Varotto S. 2018-01-01 - Humana Press Inc. 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -