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Enhanced Slow-Wave EEG Activity and Thermoregulatory Impairment following the Inhibition of the Lateral Hypothalamus in the Rat Cerri M; Vecchio FD; Mastrotto M; Luppi M; Martelli D; Perez E; Tupone D; Zamboni G; Amici R 2014-01-01 PLOS ONE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista journal.pone.0112849.PDFpone.0112849.s001.xls
The Direct Cooling of the Preoptic-Hypothalamic Area Elicits the Release of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone during Wakefulness but Not during REM Sleep Martelli D; Luppi M; Cerri M; Tupone D; Mastrotto M;
Perez E; Zamboni G; Amici R
2014-01-01 PLOS ONE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 2014 - Direct cooling of POA.pdf
Effects induced by the inhibition of the lateral hypothalamic neurons on sleep and autonomic functions in the free behaving rat F. Del Vecchio; M. Cerri; M. Mastrotto; E. Perez; D. Tupone; R. Amici 2013-01-01 AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE: BASIC & CLINICAL - 1.06 Abstract in rivista -
Sleep and cardiovascular effects of diet induced obesity in the rat Luppi M.; Al-Jahmany A.; Amici R.; Cerri M.; Del Vecchio F.; Martelli D.; Mastrotto M.; Perez E.;... Tupone D.; Zamboni G. 2013-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
The inhibition of neurons in the central nervous pathways for thermoregulatory cold defense induces a suspended animation state in the rat. Cerri M.; Mastrotto M.; Tupone D.; Martelli D.; Luppi M.; Perez E.; Zamboni G.; Amici R. 2013-01-01 THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Deep hypothermia-induced changes in sleep and cardiovascular function R. Amici; A. Al Jahamany; M. Cerri; F. Del Vecchio; M. Luppi; D. Martelli; M. Mastrotto; E. Perez...; D. Tupone; G. Zamboni 2012-01-01 JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH - 1.06 Abstract in rivista -
Effects on sleep of the induction of a torpor-like state in the rat M. Mastrotto; F. Del vecchio; A. Al-Jahmani; R. Amici; M. Cerri; D. Martelli; E. Perez; D. Tupone...; G. Zamboni 2012-01-01 JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH - 1.06 Abstract in rivista -
Effects on sleep of the inhibition of the lateral hypothalamus in the rat F. Del Vecchio; A. Al-Jahmany; R. Amici; M. Cerri; M. Luppi; D. Martelli; M. Mastrotto; E. Perez;... D. Tupone; G. Zamboni 2012-01-01 JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH - 1.06 Abstract in rivista -
Activation of muscarinic receptors within the lateral hypothalamus increases cardiovascular and thermogenetic sympathetic outflow F. Del Vecchio; A. Al-Jahmany; R. Amici; M. Cerri; M. Luppi; D. Martelli; M. Mastrotto;
E. Perez;...
D. Tupone; G. Zamboni
2011-01-01 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA - 1.06 Abstract in rivista -
Activation of muscarinic receptors within the lateral hypothalamus increases cardiovascular and thermogenetic sympathetic outflow F. Del Vecchio; A. Al Tzachmani ; R. Amici; M. Cerri; M. Luppi; D. Martelli; M. Mastrotto;
E. Per...
ez; D. Tupone; G. Zamboni
2011-01-01 - - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Continuous activation of GABAA receptors within the lateral hypothalamus increases NREM sleep at neutral and cold ambient temperature in rats M. Mastrotto; A. Al Tzachmani ; R. Amici; M. Cerri; F. Del Vecchio; M. Luppi; D. Martelli; E. Per...ez; D. Tupone ; G. Zamboni 2011-01-01 - - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Torpor-like state induction by inhibition of the rostral ventromedial medulla in free behaving rat M. Cerri; A. Al-Jahmany; R. Amici; F. Del Vecchio; M. Luppi; D. Martelli; M. Mastrotto;
E. Perez;...
D. Tupone; G. Zamboni
2011-01-01 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA - 1.06 Abstract in rivista -
Changes in cardiovascular parameters during REM sleep in rats exposed to different ambient temperatures M. Cerri; R. Amici; D. Dentico; S. Laudadio; M. Luppi; D. Martelli;
M. Mastrotto; E. Perez; D. T...
upone; G. Zamboni
2010-01-01 JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Electroencephalographic effects of RVMM inhibition in free-behaving rats D. Tupone; M. Cerri; M. Luppi; D. Martelli; M. Mastrotto; R. Amici 2010-01-01 THE FASEB JOURNAL - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Sleep changes after prolonged high-fat diet delivery in the rat M. LUPPI; R. AMICI; M. CERRI; D. DENTICO; S. LAUDADIO; D. MARTELLI; M. MASTROTTO; E. PEREZ; D. TU...PONE; G. ZAMBONI 2010-01-01 JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Torpor-like state induced by the inhibition of the rostral ventromedial medulla in the rat D. MARTELLI; R. AMICI; M. CERRI; D. DENTICO; S. LAUDADIO; M. LUPPI; M. MASTROTTO; E. PEREZ; D. TU...PONE; G. ZAMBONI 2010-01-01 JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH - 1.06 Abstract in rivista -
Heart rate variability is modulated by neurons within the rostro ventromedial medulla CERRI M.; TUPONE D.; AMICI R.; DENTICO D.; LAUDADIO S.; LUPPI M.; MARTELLI D.; MASTROTTO M.; PERE...Z E.; ZAMBONI G. 2009-01-01 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Neurons within the rostro ventromedial medulla control cutaneous vasomotion. TUPONE D.; CERRI M.; AMICI R.; DENTICO D.; LAUDADIO S.; LUPPI M.; MARTELLI D.; MASTROTTO M.; PERE...Z E.; ZAMBONI G. 2009-01-01 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -