Féminismes Tunisiens Onlife. Perspectives, pratiques et défis entre monde réel et monde virtuel
2024 Clara della Valle ; Guendalina Simoncini
Shades of presence in post-2011 Tunisia: evolving political positions in feminist and queer activism
2024 della Valle, Clara; Simoncini, Guendalina
Grasping Local Participation: The Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Western Balkans and North Africa
2023 della Valle, Clara; Strazzari, Francesco
Powered by caring: daily struggles to keep the WPS Agenda alive. Interview with Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini
2022 Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini ; Clara della Valle ; Elisa Piras
Special Issue Introduction - The Women, Peace and Security Agenda: time to gild the cracks?
2022 Clara della Valle; Elisa Piras
The Women, Peace and Security Agenda: time to gild the cracks?
2022 Clara della Valle; Elisa Piras
Women movements’ perspective on the WPS Agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Assessing “human security” and peacebuilding
2022 Silvia Cittadini ; Clara della Valle
“Which women? What agenda?” Situating WPS in North Africa: the case of Tunisia
2022 Clara della Valle
Disruptions in the ENP Cycle: EU Gender Policies in Tunisia from a ‘Decentring Perspective’
2021 Clara della Valle ; Serena Giusti
An interdisciplinary « bottom-up » study of EU gender policies in Tunisia : towards an agency-based approach
2019 Clara della Valle
Empowering diversity: A dialogue between political theory and business management
2018 Giovanna Capponi ; Silvia Cittadini ; Clara della Valle ; Chiara Pellegrini
On women's agency and western representations: EU approach to women's rights in Tunisia
2018 Clara della Valle
Quelle approche européenne au soutien aux droits humains en Tunisie?
2017 clara della valle