Environmental Affordances: Some Meetings Between Artificial Aesthetics and Interior Design Theory
2024 Gay F.; Cazzaro I.
Espressioni urgenti tra scienza e società
2024 Irene Cazzaro; Cristina Pellegatta; Starlight Vattano
Terminological Study for Scientific Hypothetical 3D Reconstruction
2024 Fallavollita, Federico; Foschi, Riccardo; Apollonio, Fabrizio Ivan; Cazzaro, Irene
The Scientific Reference Model—A Methodological Approach in the Hypothetical 3D Reconstruction of Art and Architecture
2024 Kuroczyński, Piotr; Bajena, Igor Piotr; Cazzaro, Irene
A shared terminology for hypothetical 3D digital reconstructions in the field of Cultural Heritage
2023 Irene Cazzaro
Hypothetical Cultural Heritage and its users: challenges in the interpretation and communication through verbal and visual methods
2023 Cazzaro Irene
Learning from Patterns: Information Retrieval and Visualisation Issues Between Bioimage Informatics and Digital Humanities
2023 Cazzaro, Irene
Scientific Reference Model – Defining standards, methodology and implementation of serious 3D models in Archaeology, Art and Architectural History
2023 Piotr Kuroczyński; Fabrizio Apollonio; Igor Bajena; Irene Cazzaro
Uncertainty in Hypothetical 3D Reconstructions: Technical, Visual and Cultural ‘Transitions’
2023 Irene Cazzaro
Dialoghi tra diverse discipline (e lingue): una terminologia condivisa per le ricostruzioni digitali 3D ipotetiche e per la classificazione del loro livello di incertezza
2022 Irene Cazzaro
Il portale della villa Pentetorri: documentazione grafica e fotografica per la progettazione dell’intervento di valorizzazione e restauro
2022 Irene Cazzaro; Laura Rivaroli
Connecting Spaces between Art and Science: Projective Boxes as (Analogical) Augmented Reality Before and After the (Digital) Augmented Reality
2020 Fabrizio Gay; Irene Cazzaro
Drawn Reflections and Reflections on Drawing: the “Anti-perspectives” of Abstractionists and Figurativists at the VchuTeMas
2020 Fabrizio Gay; Irene Cazzaro
Interconnections between form and matter in twentieth-century Murano glass
2020 Irene Cazzaro
L'émergence d'une forme: le modèle d'Alan Turing et la conception de l'image entre Naturalia et Artificialia
2020 Irene Cazzaro
Matter Takes Shape. Intrinsic Forces and Stochastic Equilibria According to Alan Turing
2020 Irene Cazzaro
The drawing and the artefact: Biomorphism in the design of Murano glass objects in the 20th century
2020 Irene Cazzaro
Topography and topology of the interior: Lissitzky vs. Florenskij
2020 Fabrizio Gay; Irene Cazzaro
Urban form as a stochastic equilibrium: some applications of Alan Turing's morphogenetic model
2020 Irene Cazzaro
Cellular automata between life science and parametric design: Examples of stochastic models to simulate natural processes and generate morphogenetic artefacts
2019 Irene Cazzaro