Recommendations and guidelines for the description of cold atmospheric plasma devices in studies of their application in food processing
2024 Capelli, Filippo; Laghi, Giulia; Laurita, Romolo; Puač, Nevena; Gherardi, Matteo
A new strategy to prevent biofilm and clot formation in medical devices: The use of atmospheric non-thermal plasma assisted deposition of silver-based nanostructured coatings
2023 Gallingani T.; Resca E.; Dominici M.; Gavioli G.; Laurita R.; Liguori A.; Mari G.; Ortolani L.; Pericolini E.; Sala A.; Laghi G.; Petrachi T.; Arnauld G.F.; Accorsi L.; Rizzoli R.; Colombo V.; Gherardi M.; Veronesi E.
Control strategies for atmospheric pressure plasma polymerization of fluorinated silane thin films with antiadhesive properties
2023 Laghi G.; Franco D.; Condorelli G.G.; Gallerani R.; Guglielmino S.; Laurita R.; Morganti D.; Traina F.; Conoci S.; Gherardi M.
Energetics of reactions in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet with argon carrier gas and hexamethyldisiloxane reagent
2023 Laghi G.; Watson S.; Reuter S.; Gherardi M.; Wertheimer M.R.
Cold atmospheric plasma decontamination of SARS-CoV-2 bioaerosols
2022 Bisag, A.; Isabelli, P.; Laghi, G.; Laurita, R.; Dirani, G.; Taddei, F.; Bucci, C.; Capelli, F.; Gherardi, M.; Paglianti, A.; Sambri, V.; Colombo, V.
Effect of plasma activated water (PAW) on rocket leaves decontamination and nutritional value
2021 Laurita, R.; Gozzi, G.; Tappi, S.; Capelli, F.; Bisag, A.; Laghi, G.; Gherardi, M.; Cellini, B.; Abouelenein, D.; Vittori, S.; Colombo, V.; Rocculi, P.; Dalla Rosa, M.; Vannini, L.
The use of Plasma Activated Water in viticulture: induction of resistance and agronomic performance in greenhouse and open field
2021 Laurita R., N. Contaldo, Y. Zambon, A. Bisag, A. Canel, M. Gherardi, G. Laghi, A. Bertaccini, V. Colombo
Cold atmospheric plasma inactivation of aerosolized microdroplets containing bacteria and purified SARS-CoV-2 RNA to contrast airborne indoor transmission
2020 Bisag A.; Isabelli P.; Laurita R.; Bucci C.; Capelli F.; Dirani G.; Gherardi M.; Laghi G.; Paglianti A.; Sambri V.; Colombo V.