Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Inhibition of the hypothalamic ventromedial periventricular area activates a dynorphin pathway-dependent thermoregulatory inversion in rats
2025 Morrison, Shaun F; Cano, Georgina; Hernan, Shelby L; Chiavetta, Pierfrancesco; Tupone, Domenico
Activation of orexin-A (hypocretin-1) receptors in the Raphe Pallidus at different ambient temperatures in the rat: effects on thermoregulation, cardiovascular control, sleep, and feeding behavior
2024 Hitrec, Timna; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Alberti, Luca; Luppi, Marco; Martelli, Davide; Occhinegro, Alessandra; Piscitiello, Emiliana; Taddei, Ludovico; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Cerri, Matteo
Multiorgan ultrastructural changes in rats induced in synthetic torpor
2024 Salucci, S.; Hitrec, T.; Piscitiello, E.; Occhinegro, A.; Alberti, L.; Taddei, L.; Burattini, S.; Luppi, M.; Tupone, D.; Amici, R.; Faenza, I.; Cerri, M.
Sleep deprivation soon after recovery from synthetic torpor enhances tau protein dephosphorylation in the rat brain
2024 Timna Hitrec, Fabio Squarcio, Emiliana Piscitiello, Matteo Cerri, Davide Martelli, Alessandra Occhinegro, Ludovico Taddei, Domenico Tupone, Roberto Amici, Marco Luppi
Corrigendum: Synthetic torpor triggers a regulated mechanism in the rat brain, favoring the reversibility of Tau protein hyperphosphorylation (Frontiers in Physiology, (2023), 14, (1129278), 10.3389/fphys.2023.1129278)
2023 Squarcio, F.; Hitrec, T.; Piscitiello, E.; Cerri, M.; Giovannini, C.; Martelli, D.; Occhinegro, A.; Taddei, L.; Tupone, D.; Amici, R.; Luppi, M.
Neurogenic Fever after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Animal Models: A Systematic Review
2023 Migliorino, Ernesto; Nonino, Francesco; Amici, Roberto; Tupone, Domenico; Aspide, Raffaele
Synthetic torpor triggers a regulated mechanism in the rat brain, favoring the reversibility of Tau protein hyperphosphorylation
2023 Squarcio, Fabio; Hitrec, Timna; Piscitiello, Emiliana; Cerri, Matteo; Giovannini, Catia; Martelli, Davide; Occhinegro, Alessandra; Taddei, Ludovico; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Luppi, Marco
Ultrasonic vocalisations during rapid eye movement sleep in the rat
2023 Squarcio, Fabio; Hitrec, Timna; Luppi, Marco; Martelli, Davide; Occhinegro, Alessandra; Piscitiello, Emiliana; Taddei, Ludovico; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Cerri, Matteo
2022 A. Occhinegro, R. Amici, M. Cerri, T. Hitrec, D. Martelli, E. Piscitiello, F. Squarcio, L. Taddei, D. Tupone, M. Luppi
Thermoregulation in mice: The road to understanding torpor hypothermia and the shortcomings of a circuit for generating fever
2022 Morrison S.F.; Nakamura K.; Tupone D.
Fluorescent Neuronal Cells
2021 Clissa, Luca ; Morelli, Roberto ; Squarcio, Fabio ; Hitrec, Timna ; Luppi, Marco ; Rinaldi, Lorenzo ; Cerri, Matteo ; Amici, Roberto ; Bastianini, Stefano ; Berteotti, Chiara ; Lo Martire, Viviana ; Martelli, Davide ; Occhinegro, Alessandra ; Tupone, Domenico ; Zoccoli, Giovanna ; Zoccoli, Antonio
In a model of SAH-induced neurogenic fever, BAT thermogenesis is mediated by erythrocytes and blocked by agonism of adenosine A1 receptors
2021 Tupone, D., Cetas, C. J.
Reversible Tau Phosphorylation Induced by Synthetic Torpor in the Spinal Cord of the Rat
2021 Hitrec, Timna; Squarcio, Fabio; Cerri, Matteo; Martelli, Davide; Occhinegro, Alessandra; Piscitiello, Emiliana; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Luppi, Marco
Author Correction: Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (15462), 10.1038/s41598-019-51841-2)
2020 Timna Hitrec, Marco Luppi, Stefano Bastianini, Fabio Squarcio, Chiara Berteotti, Viviana Lo Martire, Davide Martelli, Alessandra Occhinegro, Domenico Tupone, Giovanna Zoccoli , Roberto Amici, Matteo Cerri
Median preoptic area neurons are required for the cooling and febrile activations of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in rat
2020 da Conceicao E.P.S.; Morrison S.F.; Cano G.; Chiavetta P.; Tupone D.
c-Fos expression in the limbic thalamus following thermoregulatory and wake-sleep changes in the rat
2019 Luppi, Marco; Cerri, Matteo; Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Hitrec, Timna; Dentico, Daniela; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Martelli, Davide; Perez, Emanuele; Tupone, Domenico; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto
Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice
2019 Hitrec T.; Luppi M.; Bastianini S.; Squarcio F.; Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Martelli D.; Occhinegro A.; Tupone D.; Zoccoli G.; Amici R.; Cerri M.
Parabrachial Complex: A Hub for Pain and Aversion
2019 Chiang M.C.; Bowen A.; Schier L.A.; Tupone D.; Uddin O.; Heinricher M.M.
Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of tau protein during synthetic torpor
2019 Luppi M.; Hitrec T.; Di Cristoforo A.; Squarcio F.; Stanzani A.; Occhinegro A.; Chiavetta P.; Tupone D.; Zamboni G.; Amici R.; Cerri M.
Hypothalamic activity at torpor onset in mice.
2018 Timna Hitrec, R. Amici, S. Bastianini, C. Berteotti, V. Lo Martire, M. Luppi, D. Martelli, F. Squarcio, A. Stanzani, D. Tupone, G. Zoccoli, M. Cerri
Titolo | Autore(i) | Anno | Periodico | Editore | Tipo | File |
Inhibition of the hypothalamic ventromedial periventricular area activates a dynorphin pathway-dependent thermoregulatory inversion in rats | Morrison, Shaun F; Cano, Georgina; Hernan, Shelby L; Chiavetta, Pierfrancesco; Tupone, Domenico | 2025-01-01 | CURRENT BIOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Activation of orexin-A (hypocretin-1) receptors in the Raphe Pallidus at different ambient temperatures in the rat: effects on thermoregulation, cardiovascular control, sleep, and feeding behavior | Hitrec, Timna; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Alberti, Luca; Luppi, Marco; Martelli, Davide; Occhinegro, Al...essandra; Piscitiello, Emiliana; Taddei, Ludovico; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Cerri, Matteo | 2024-01-01 | FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | fnins-1-1458437.pdf |
Multiorgan ultrastructural changes in rats induced in synthetic torpor | Salucci, S.; Hitrec, T.; Piscitiello, E.; Occhinegro, A.; Alberti, L.; Taddei, L.; Burattini, S.;... Luppi, M.; Tupone, D.; Amici, R.; Faenza, I.; Cerri, M. | 2024-01-01 | FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Sleep deprivation soon after recovery from synthetic torpor enhances tau protein dephosphorylation in the rat brain | Timna Hitrec, Fabio Squarcio, Emiliana Piscitiello, Matteo Cerri, Davide Martelli, Alessandra Occ...hinegro, Ludovico Taddei, Domenico Tupone, Roberto Amici, Marco Luppi | 2024-01-01 | JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. B, BIOCHEMICAL, SYSTEMIC, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Sleep deprivation soon after recovery_postprint.pdf |
Corrigendum: Synthetic torpor triggers a regulated mechanism in the rat brain, favoring the reversibility of Tau protein hyperphosphorylation (Frontiers in Physiology, (2023), 14, (1129278), 10.3389/fphys.2023.1129278) | Squarcio, F.; Hitrec, T.; Piscitiello, E.; Cerri, M.; Giovannini, C.; Martelli, D.; Occhinegro, A....; Taddei, L.; Tupone, D.; Amici, R.; Luppi, M. | 2023-01-01 | FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY | - | 1.04 Replica / breve intervento (e simili) | - |
Neurogenic Fever after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Animal Models: A Systematic Review | Migliorino, Ernesto; Nonino, Francesco; Amici, Roberto; Tupone, Domenico; Aspide, Raffaele | 2023-01-01 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | ijms-24-11514.pdf |
Synthetic torpor triggers a regulated mechanism in the rat brain, favoring the reversibility of Tau protein hyperphosphorylation | Squarcio, Fabio; Hitrec, Timna; Piscitiello, Emiliana; Cerri, Matteo; Giovannini, Catia; Martelli..., Davide; Occhinegro, Alessandra; Taddei, Ludovico; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Luppi, Marco | 2023-01-01 | FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 2023 - Squarcio-Hitrec et al.pdf; DataSheet1_Synthetic torpor triggers a regulated mechanism in the rat brain, favoring the reversibility of Tau protein hyperphosphorylation.PDF; fphys-14-1256251.pdf |
Ultrasonic vocalisations during rapid eye movement sleep in the rat | Squarcio, Fabio; Hitrec, Timna; Luppi, Marco; Martelli, Davide; Occhinegro, Alessandra; Piscitiel...lo, Emiliana; Taddei, Ludovico; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Cerri, Matteo | 2023-01-01 | JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Journal of Sleep Research - 2023 - Squarcio - Ultrasonic vocalisations during rapid eye movement sleep in the rat.pdf |
EFFECTS OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION IN THE PROCESS OF TAU PROTEIN DEPHOSPHORYLATION FOLLOWING SYNTHETIC TORPOR IN THE RAT | A. Occhinegro, R. Amici, M. Cerri, T. Hitrec, D. Martelli, E. Piscitiello, F. Squarcio, L. Tadde...i, D. Tupone, M. Luppi | 2022-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Thermoregulation in mice: The road to understanding torpor hypothermia and the shortcomings of a circuit for generating fever | Morrison S.F.; Nakamura K.; Tupone D. | 2022-01-01 | TEMPERATURE | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Thermoregulation in mice The road to understanding torpor hypothermia and the shortcomings of a circuit for generating fever.pdf |
Fluorescent Neuronal Cells | Clissa, Luca ; Morelli, Roberto ; Squarcio, Fabio ; Hitrec, Timna ; Luppi, Marco ; Rinaldi, Loren...zo ; Cerri, Matteo ; Amici, Roberto ; Bastianini, Stefano ; Berteotti, Chiara ; Lo Martire, Viviana ; Martelli, Davide ; Occhinegro, Alessandra ; Tupone, Domenico ; Zoccoli, Giovanna ; Zoccoli, Antonio | 2021-01-01 | - | - | 7.05 Banche dati | - |
In a model of SAH-induced neurogenic fever, BAT thermogenesis is mediated by erythrocytes and blocked by agonism of adenosine A1 receptors | Tupone, D., Cetas, C. J. | 2021-01-01 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | s41598-021-82407-w.pdf |
Reversible Tau Phosphorylation Induced by Synthetic Torpor in the Spinal Cord of the Rat | Hitrec, Timna; Squarcio, Fabio; Cerri, Matteo; Martelli, Davide; Occhinegro, Alessandra; Piscitie...llo, Emiliana; Tupone, Domenico; Amici, Roberto; Luppi, Marco | 2021-01-01 | FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Reversible Tau Phosphorylation Induced by Synthetic Torpor in the Spinal Cord of the Rat _ Enhanced Reader.pdf; Table_1_Reversible Tau Phosphorylation Induced by Synthetic Torpor in the Spinal Cord of the Rat.DOCX |
Author Correction: Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (15462), 10.1038/s41598-019-51841-2) |
Timna Hitrec, Marco Luppi, Stefano Bastianini, Fabio Squarcio, Chiara Berteotti, Viviana Lo Mart...ire, Davide Martelli, Alessandra Occhinegro, Domenico Tupone, Giovanna Zoccoli , Roberto Amici, Matteo Cerri |
2020-01-01 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | - | 1.04 Replica / breve intervento (e simili) | - |
Median preoptic area neurons are required for the cooling and febrile activations of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in rat | da Conceicao E.P.S.; Morrison S.F.; Cano G.; Chiavetta P.; Tupone D. | 2020-01-01 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 41598_2020_Article_74272.pdf; 41598_2020_74272_MOESM1_ESM.pdf |
c-Fos expression in the limbic thalamus following thermoregulatory and wake-sleep changes in the rat | Luppi, Marco; Cerri, Matteo; Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Hitrec, Timna; Dentico, Daniela; Del Vecchio..., Flavia; Martelli, Davide; Perez, Emanuele; Tupone, Domenico; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto | 2019-01-01 | EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice | Hitrec T.; Luppi M.; Bastianini S.; Squarcio F.; Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Martelli D.; Occhin...egro A.; Tupone D.; Zoccoli G.; Amici R.; Cerri M. | 2019-01-01 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | s41598-019-51841-2.pdf; 41598_2019_51841_MOESM1_ESM.docx |
Parabrachial Complex: A Hub for Pain and Aversion | Chiang M.C.; Bowen A.; Schier L.A.; Tupone D.; Uddin O.; Heinricher M.M. | 2019-01-01 | THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 8225.full.pdf |
Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of tau protein during synthetic torpor | Luppi M.; Hitrec T.; Di Cristoforo A.; Squarcio F.; Stanzani A.; Occhinegro A.; Chiavetta P.; Tup...one D.; Zamboni G.; Amici R.; Cerri M. | 2019-01-01 | FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | fnana-13-00057.pdf |
Hypothalamic activity at torpor onset in mice. | Timna Hitrec, R. Amici, S. Bastianini, C. Berteotti, V. Lo Martire, M. Luppi, D. Martelli, F. Squ...arcio, A. Stanzani, D. Tupone, G. Zoccoli, M. Cerri | 2018-01-01 | - | - | 4.03 Poster | - |