Docenti di ruolo di Ia fascia
The impact of past entrepreneurial experience on entrepreneurial venture innovation
2024 presutti manuela, boari cristina, Xavier Molina Morales
Coworking spaces as sites organizing within new ways of working: A literature review
2023 Stefano Rodighiero; Cristina Boari
Network management and value creation in strategic networks: evidence from Brazil
2023 Ana Cláudia Azevedo; João Maurício Gama Boaventura; Douglas Wegner; Ernesto Michelangelo Giglio; Cristina Boari
Clusters or networks: interorganizational relationships influence on Brazilian hotel performance
2022 Vieira D.P.; Hoffmann V.E.; Reyes Junior E.; Boari C.
Remote workers thriving in co-working spaces:: a configurational analysis.
2022 Rodighiero S; Boari C; Scarpi D
Argumentative interactions in emerging fields: How institutional multiplicity sparks new meaning systems
2021 andrea lo verso; cristina boari
I need you, but do I love you? Strong ties and innovation in supplier–customer relations
2021 Presutti, M; Boari, C.; Molina, X.
Identifying Rivals Among Clustered and Isolated Firms: An empirical investigation and a computational model
2021 Cristina Boari; Guido Fioretti; Vincenza Odorici
Opening the innovation process: a multilevel approach
2021 Cristina Boari; Aurora Carneiro Zen
Structuring multi-dimensional collective identity in clusters
2021 Andrea Carlo Lo Verso; Cristina Boari ; Aurora Carneiro Zen
Structuring multi-dimensional collective identity in clusters: the Brazilian wine-making region “Serra Gaúcha”
2021 Andrea Lo Verso; Cristina Boari; Aurora Carneiro Zen
The reluctant preference: Communities of enthusiasts and the diffusion of atypical innovation
2021 Formilan G.; Boari C.
Uncertainty and Status Influence on Network Emergence: a Relational Approach to Optimal Distinctiveness Theory
2021 Charles Kirschbaum; Cristina Boari; Raffaele Corrado
Uncertainty, Status, and Networks: A Relational Approach to Optimal Distinctiveness Theory
2021 Cristina Boari; Raffaele Corrado; Charles Kirschbaum
Blockchain-based system and trust: an integrated model of how coding rules create a trusted digital economy
2020 Maria Sciarra; Cristina Boari
Top Management Team International Experience, International Information Acquisition and International Strategic Decision Rationality
2020 Azam, A., Boari, C., Bortolotti, F., Mian, A.
Distance to customers, absorptive capacity and innovation in high-tech firms: the dark face of geographical proximity
2019 Presutti, M.; Boari, C.; Majocchi, A.; Molina, F.X.
Network churn – drivers and implications for innovation and entrepreneurship.
2019 Brennecke, J. , Elfring, T. ,Ahuja, G., Bhagavatula, S., Boari, C., & Ertug, G
Opening the black box of brokering: exploring brokers’ behaviors within the collective creativity process in a cross-sector partnership
2019 Sala Irene ; Boari Cristina
Opening the innovation process: a multilevel approach based on absorptive capacity
2019 Boari Cristina; Zen Aurora