A phase II trial of short course fludarabine, mitoxantrone, rituximab followed by 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan in untreated intermediate/high-risk follicular lymphoma.
2012 Zinzani P.L.; Tani M.; Pulsoni A.; De Renzo A.; Stefoni V.; Broccoli A.; Montini G.C.; Fina M.; Pellegrini C.; Gandolfi L.; Cavalieri E.; Torelli F.; Scopinaro F.; Argnani L.; Quirini F.; Derenzini E.; Rossi M.; Pileri S.; Fanti S.; Baccarani M.
Gemcitabine as single agent in pretreated T-cell lymphoma patients: evaluation of the long-term outcome.
2010 Zinzani PL; Venturini F; Stefoni V; Fina M; Pellegrini C; Derenzini E; Gandolfi L; Broccoli A; Argnani L; Quirini F; Pileri S; Baccarani M.
Phase II trial of short-course R-CHOP followed by 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan in previously untreated high-risk elderly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients.
2010 Zinzani P.L.; Rossi G.; Franceschetti S.; Botto B.; Di Rocco A.; Cabras M.G.; Petti M.C.; Stefoni V.; Broccoli A.; Fanti S.; Pellegrini C.; Montini G.C.; Gandolfi L.; Derenzini E.; Argnani L.; Fina M.; Tucci A.; Bottelli C.; Pileri S.; Baccarani M.
Yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan as a single agent in patients with pretreated B-cell lymphoma: evaluation of the long-term outcome.
2010 Zinzani P.L.; Gandolfi L.; Stefoni V.; Fanti S.; Fina M.; Pellegrini C.; Montini G.C.; Derenzini E.; Broccoli A.; Argnani L.; Pileri S.; Baccarani M.
CNS recurrence of primary mediastinal large b-cell lymphoma after complete remission.
2009 Stefoni V; Broccoli A; Pellegrini C; Derenzini E; Fina M; Zinzani PL.
Role of [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography Scan in the Follow-Up of Lymphoma
2009 Zinzani P.L.; Stefoni V.; Tani M.; Fanti S.; Musuraca G.; Castellucci P.; Marchi E.; Fina M.; Ambrosini V.; Pellegrini C.; Alinari L.; Derenzini E.; Montini G.; Broccoli A.; Bacci F.; Pileri S.; Baccarani M.
A phase 2 trial of fludarabine and mitoxantrone chemoterapy followed by yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for patients with previously untreated, indolent, nonfollicular, non-Hodgkin lymphoma
2008 Zinzani P.L.; Tani M.; Fanti S.; Stefoni V.; Musuraca G.; Vitolo U.; Perrotti A.; Fina M.; Derenzini E.; Baccarani M.
Histological verification of positive positron emission tomography findings in the follow-up of patients with mediastinal lymphoma.
2007 Zinzani PL; Tani M; Trisolini R; Fanti S; Stefoni V; Alifano M; Castellucci P; Musuraca G; Dalpiaz G; Alinari L; Marchi E; Fina M; Pellegrini C; Farsad M; Cancellieri A; Busca A; Canini R; Pileri S; Baccarani M; Boaron M.
Early positron emission tomography (PET) restaging: a predictive final response in Hodgkin's disease patients.
2006 Zinzani PL.; Tani M.; Fanti S.; Alinari L.; Musuraca G.; Marchi E.; Stefoni V.; Castellucci P.; Fina M.; Farshad M.; Pileri S.; Baccarani M.
Phase II trial of temozolomide in patients with pretreated cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.
2005 Tani M; Fina M; Alinari L; Stefoni V; Baccarani M; Zinzani PL.
Preliminary observations of a phase II study of reduced-dose alemtuzumab treatment in patients with pretreated T-cell lymphoma.
Role of anemia in survival of patients with elderly aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma after chemotherapy.
2005 Zinzani PL; Tani M; Alinari L;Molinari AL;Stefoni V.;Visani G.; Gentilini P.; Guardigni L.; Fina M.; Baccarani M.