Antarctic ice cloud identification and properties using downwelling spectral radiance from 100 to 1400 cm-1
2019 Maestri, Tiziano; Arosio, Carlo; Rizzi, Rolando; Palchetti, Luca; Bianchini, Giovanni; Del Guasta, Massimo
A comparative study of ionospheric IRIEup and ISP assimilative models during some intense and severe geomagnetic storms
2018 Pietrella, M.*; Pignalberi, A.; Pezzopane, M.; Pignatelli, A.; Azzarone, A.; Rizzi, R.
Correction to: Effective Solar Indices for Ionospheric Modeling: A Review and a Proposal for a Real-Time Regional IRI (Surveys in Geophysics, (2018), 39, 1, (125-167), 10.1007/s10712-017-9438-y)
2018 Pignalberi, A.; Pezzopane, M.; Rizzi, R.; Galkin, I.
Effective Solar Indices for Ionospheric Modeling: A Review and a Proposal for a Real-Time Regional IRI
2018 Pignalberi, A.; Pezzopane, M.; Rizzi, R.; Galkin, I.
Estimate of Radiosonde Dry Bias From Far-Infrared Measurements on the Antarctic Plateau
2018 Rizzi, R.*; Maestri, T.; Arosio, C.
Improvements and validation of the IRI UP method under moderate, strong, and severe geomagnetic storms
2018 Pignalberi, Alessio; Pietrella, Marco; Pezzopane, Michael; Rizzi, Rolando
Modeling the Lower Part of the Topside Ionospheric Vertical Electron Density Profile Over the European Region by Means of Swarm Satellites Data and IRI UP Method
2018 Pignalberi, A.*; Pezzopane, M.; Rizzi, R.
A comparative study of ionospheric assimilative models during some intense and severe severegeomagnetic storms
2017 M. Pietrella , A. Pignalberi , M. Pezzopane, A. Pignatelli , A. Azzarone , R. Rizzi
Effective solar indices for ionospheric modeling: a proposal for a real time IRI
2017 Alessio, Pignalberi; Michael, Pezzopane; Rolando, Rizzi; Ivan, Galkin
Effective solar indices for ionospheric modeling: a proposal for a real time regional IRI
2017 Alessio Pignalberi, Michael Pezzopane, Rolando Rizzi, Ivan Galkin
Modeling the topside ionosphere by means of electron density values as recorded by the Swarm constellation
2017 Alessio Pignalberi, Michael Pezzopane, Rolando Rizzi
One year of downwelling spectral radiance measurements from 100 to 1400 cm−1 at Dome Concordia: Results in clear conditions
2016 Rizzi, Rolando; Arosio, C.; Maestri, Tiziano; Palchetti, L.; Bianchini, G.; Del Guasta, M.
Analysis of cirrus cloud spectral signatures in the Far InfraRed
2014 T. Maestri;R. Rizzi;E. Tosi;P. Veglio;L. Palchetti;G. Bianchini;P. Di Girolamo;G. Masiello;C. Serio;D. Summa
Scattering properties of modeled complex snowflakes and mixed-phase particles at microwave and millimeter frequencies
2014 D. Ori;T. Maestri;R. Rizzi;D. Cimini;M. Montopoli;F. S. Marzano
Total cloud cover from satellite observations and climate models
2012 P. Probst; R. Rizzi; E. Tosi; V. Lucarini; T. Maestri
Clear and cloudy sky investigations using Raman lidar and airborne interferometric measures from the European AQUA Thermodynamic Experiment
2010 Maestri T.; Di Girolamo P.; Summa D.; Rizzi R.
Combining visible and infrared radiometry and lidar data to test simulations in clear and ice cloud conditions
2010 Bozzo A.; Maestri T.; R. Rizzi
Detecting Precipitating Clouds over Snow and Ice Using a Multiple Sensors Approach
2009 G. Todini; R. Rizzi; E. Todini
UV Raman lidar measurements of relative humidity for the characterization of cirrus cloud microphysical properties
2009 Di Girolamo P.; Summa D.; Lin R. F.; Maestri T.; Rizzi R.; Masiello G.
EAQUATE – An International Experiment For Hyper-spectral Atmospheric Sounding Validation
2008 J. P. Taylor ;W. Smith; V. Cuomo; A. Larar; D. Zhou; C. Serio; T. Maestri; R. Rizzi; S. Newman; P. Antonelli; S. Mango; P. Di Girolamo; F. Esposito; G. Grieco; D. Summa ; R. Restieri; G. Masiello; F. Romano; G. Pappalardo; G. Pavese; L. Mona; A. Amodeo; G. Pisani